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Immediately available to veterans of any branch of the US Military is a complimentary introduction to NADA protocol for the treatment of stress and PTSD.  This is intended to support any other treatment currently being offered to you through the VA or other sources.  If desired a veteran can continue to receive this NADA treatment either on clinic days or sliding scale in private sessions.


I am still in the embryonic stages with this plan and I like to invite you to be involved. 


I envision a clinic focusing on PTSD, emotional trauma and the addiction issues. I would like to provide this service  where Veterans  don't have a VA facility near by that could be served by my clinic. In addition, if you have an event that targets under served populations, I will travel and join your team by offering support services. 


My focus is the Veterans population treating with NADA first and following with work on underlying spiritual issues, by training staff or other clinicians and Veterans and family. The second area of focus will be involved with pain and orthopedics (sports medicine). 



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